Blog presentation

Welcome to this blog! What you will find here is, mostly, philosophical reflection which I hope will be accessible to everyone. However, sometimes it might feature unrelated things that I would like to share, or specialized philosophy that needs to reach a wider audience.

What does Philosophy do?

Of course, there isn't a universal answer to this question, but here is what I think according to what I have read, seen and done. What philosophy does is to think about a problem in a way that is different to what most people take for granted. This thinking is usually based in scientific facts, opinions from experts, observation, life experience, social media, the cultural environment, other philosophical ideas, etc. Its purpose is to change things that are fundamentally wrong. Philosophy, nowadays, is specialized in many areas, such as philosophy of medicine, philosophy of physics, political philosophy, philosophy of sex, philosophy of knowledge, etc. 

Many ideas that began like pure philosophical reflection, and were considered as radical or stupid in those days, are now the ideas which everyone thinks are obvious truths. Some examples are accessible knowledge for everyone, human rights, acceptance of homosexuality within society, compassionate care for people with mental diseases, etc. People don't usually know that the basis of those ideas came from philosophical reflection first. Philosophy might not have a straightforward application but it has the potential to change the ideas that rule our thinking.        

Who writes this blog?

My Bachelor degree is in Physics, where I did my specialization in philosophy of science. I just got my PhD in philosophy of psychiatry. Currently I'm living in Mexico City.  


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